We're on our way to our annual family ski trip and I'm reading a copy of Mother Earth News Living Series: Guide to Organic Gardening. One of the articles discusses low tunnel growing for over wintering veggies. Its a very interesting article.
The veggies that over winter well for an early spring crop are:
This gives me a few ideas of what to grow over the winter for the 4 seasons challenge. Peas, onions and beets are pulling at me so I think I'll look into adding those to my winter plan.
It also gives an easy look at how to build a low hoop tunnel,with the help of a conduit bender available at Johnnys Selected Seeds (will include link later after arriving at the hotel). Since we always get snow here I'll be using metal conduit for my tunnels to give them the strength to hold up under snow. I'm hoping to have the money to do this sometime in March so I can get some other veggies out early.
When I get back home I'll be sowing the last 4 Broccoli plants.